Vadodara Series

My works are reflection of the drama been created by the construction of layers in a structure which represents the history and its untold story. The essence of ‘old’ attracts me and I try to replicate the story of that structure; how its decomposed structure reflects the identity of that place. The works doesn’t showcase the whole landscape of it, but rather focus on the elements which modify the whole structure. Elements like doors, windows, or even walls express the untold story of the time.

In one of my work ‘open house’ I have created two different angle of one structure which shows an interior and exterior of the house and its process of presence and absence with time and nature. The longevity of our surrounding is unpredictable and time is the only process which reflects the outcome. Windows of strong material like iron or wood also identifies the process of building and remembrance of the space and its existence.
An open house in the city_stoneware_8x9x20 Inches_2017 An open house in the city_stoneware_8x9x20 Inches_2017
Remainings of the old city I_Stoneware_17x3x17 Inches_2017
Existing Enclosure II_Stoneware_14x10x10 Inches_2017
Remainings of the old city IX_Stoneware_16x3x10.5 Inches_2017
Remainings of the old city IV_Stoneware_14x3x23 Inches_2017
Existing Enclosure I_Stoneware_12x4x24 Inches_2017
Remainings of the old city V_Stoneware_8x1x10 Inches_2017
Remainings of the old city VI_Stoneware_14x1x16 Inches_2017
Remainings of the old city VII_Stoneware_18x3.5x18 Inches_2017
Remainings of the old city VIII_Stoneware_16x6x11 Inches_2017
(+91) 8945 9045 77